So we were now 10 hrs into the induction process and so far nothing positive had happened. I had been told that my Dr would be coming in to make his rounds and that he would most likely break my bag of water. I still had hopes that my water would break on its own, but who was I kidding. My body was just not cooperating with me. I was happy to know that at some point in hopefully the near future I would be seeing my Dr and hopefully he would make some magic happen.
Throughout the morning, nurse after nurse would come into my room and try to push me into getting my epidural. I had been having regular contractions for so long that they really were no big deal. I really only had 2 that I thought were going to kill me. One was during a family dinner at my in laws. It came out of nowhere and I screamed. That was the only time I screamed throughout this entire process, and that was a few days before I gave birth.
I questioned every nurse who came in about why they thought it was necessary for me to get my epidural now. I wasn't in any pain that I felt I needed drugs to handle. For the record, I hate drugs. I don't even like to take a Tylenol.
When I was younger, and hadn't experienced much physical pain in my life, I had planned on when the time came having an all natural water birth. When it came time to make a decision of what type of birth plan I was going to have, I decided that an epidural would most likely be a good idea since I tend to panic when I am in pain. The last thing that I wanted was to have a panic attack as my baby girl was coming into the world. Calmness was still at the top of my list.
After getting every hospital employees opinion who came into my room on me getting my epidural, and then having a nurse come in to tell me that the anesthesiologist was about to go in for a scheduled c-section and that if I decided I wanted it I would have to wait over an hour for it, I gave in and got the epidural.
The anesthesiologist came into my room, along with my least favorite nurse, and Patrick was asked to leave the room. They told him it would be about 20 minuets. He decided that was a good time to run to Dunkin Donuts and grab a cup of coffee. At this point I was so exhausted that I could care less about the epidural. I wasn't nervous or afraid of the needle at all. I told the anesthesiologist that I was very sensitive to meds. and apparently he didn't take me very serious. Well... Things got serious real fast.
They prepped me... No big deal, they gave me some sort of numbing shot.... No big deal, the gigantic needle went into my spine, not really that big of a deal, then the anesthesiologist injects the meds into my system... Big Deal... Very Big Deal!
I remember the anesthesiologist saying that I may feel warmth, burning and tingling as he pumped the meds into my system. Within seconds of the meds entering my system I was going down and I was going down fast.
I had a true going toward the light experience. I'm not sure if any words came out of my mouth, but I clearly remember the dialogue going on in my head. I was at peace with the fact that I was dying on that table and my life was ending. For the record... In reality, I am not at all ok with my life coming to an end any time before I reach at least 100. It does however give me a sense of peace to know that when life comes to an end, it truly is a peaceful journey. I remember hearing the nurse whisper that my BP was 50/30 as I started to come to. I was sideways in the bed and I had an oxygen mask on my face. Eventually I was able to open my
eyes and Patrick was there. He didn't leave my side after that.
For a while after the epidural ordeal, I was basically on another planet. I felt paralyzed and like I had completely no control over my body and what was happening any more. I couldn't feel the baby move and it freaked me out. I couldn't move my legs, and I wanted to scratch my face off.
Shortly after I was headed toward the light.... My Dr came walking into my room. I was really happy to see him. He checked me, still no change, then he broke my bag of water. After a brief visit, he told me that he was going to head to the office and didn't expect to need to come back for me until later that evening.
He was wrong.
To be continued.....