
Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Great Cloth Diaper Change

Delilah already making a difference at 3 months

If you read my past post about cloth diapering, you already know that I love cloth diapers.Yesterday Delilah & I along with Melissa, Lily and 129 other participants hosted by Cutie Poops, participated in a fantastic event called The Great Cloth Diaper Change. The Great Cloth Diaper Change is not only an event to break the Guinness Book record for the most cloth diapers changed at one time, but it is also a wonderful way to bring attention to cloth diapering, promote awareness and raise money for a great cause.

Melissa, Delilah & Lily

Yesterday, ALL over the WORLD, cloth diaper lovers gathered at 305 locations in 16 countries to take part in this event. What a great way to get started at celebrating Earth Day. Last year was the 1st year that this event took place, and the record was set at 5,026. Sounds like a whole lot of diapers doesn't it! Guess what, 5,026 is actually less diapers then ONE family using disposables will go through by the time their child reaches the age of 2. That is a whole lot of WASTE. Not only is using cloth diapers much more earth friendly, but the cost of diapering using cloth is estimated at about one tenth of the cost of using disposables. 

Melissa & Lily

Yesterday, $1 for each participant in attendance went to The Real Diaper Association (RDA). RDA is a non-profit organization that provides cloth diapering support and education all across North America. RDA's goal is to get more babies in cloth diapers by educating the public on cloth diapering, their ease of use, environmental impact, accessibility and acceptability. 

Delilah and I donated 5 cloth diapers today to Children of the Promise. All cloth diaper donations and raffle ticket sale proceeds went to Children of the Promise. Children of the Promise is dedicated to caring for physical, emotional, medical and spiritual needs of sick and malnourished infants and toddlers in Northern Haiti. 

We had such a great time yesterday. So many wonderful companies donated products to go into fabulous swag bags that 75 lucky participants received. I was one of them. There were also fantastic donations for the raffle. Melissa and I also both won a raffle prize. A moby wrap blanket for Lily, and an adorable baby bonnet for Delilah. We can't wait to do it again next year!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Party time for Delilah!

On Saturday Delilah attended her first children's birthday party. It was her best friend Charlotte's 1st birthday party and Delilah loved every minuet of it. Straberri (Yes.. that is Straberri with an i), the clown, had all of Delilah's attention. I was amazed at how into Straberri's act Delilah was. I mean... it was pretty fabulous, I couldn't take my eyes off her either, but I did not expect Delilah to sit up on my laugh and giggle through the entire show, she is only 3 months. 

Delilah & Charlotte Checking out Straberri's magic wand after the show

Guess who else got in in the act! He will do ANYTHING for Charlotte and her big sister Claire (Patrick is Claire's 1st love)!

Next month we will be attending Charlotte's big sister Claire's 3rd birthday party! Delilah is already planning her outfit for the party and dreaming about all of the fun she will have.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Look Who is 3 Months Old!

Delilah is 3 Months Old!

Delilah is 3 months old and she is ready for some action. She is so active and gives me looks that say "I'm done with this baby stuff mom!" Full days of snuggles and naps in my arms are gone, and days full of fun activities have begun. Her swing and bouncer that she once loved, no longer provide her with lasting entertainment.

Delilah has made her own schedule which currently starts our day around 6am with a 8pm bedtime. This week I went back to work 1 night a week and Delilah stayed awake until I came home for her bedtime which she decided to push that night to 10pm. I was excited to still be able to put her to sleep that night. She even decided to sleep in the next morning which was an added bonus. 

She still takes a couple short naps in my arms after feedings, but now she has been going into her crib for her longer naps. She is still sleeping in her bassinet in our bedroom right next to me at night. Patrick thinks that she is ready to sleep in her crib in her nursery at night but I say "absolutely not!" Now he is trying to get me to slowly move the bassinet a little bit further from the bed every night. Not going to happen. Her bassinet is still as close to the bed as I can get it. 

As you can see, she still has her daddy's beautiful blue/green eyes. I think that she is going to keep them. Everyday they seem to get lighter and lighter along with her hair and skin tone. I swear she smiles and giggles all the time. When the camera comes out, this is the face she likes to give. She is very inquisitive. 

She is sitting up with assistance, but she thinks that she can do it all on her own until she tumbles over. She is holding her head up pretty good, but still looks like a bobble head sometimes. Somehow while playing in her crib the other day with her favorite Owl "Hoot Hoot" she managed to roll from her back to her belly. She is also doing full 180's in her crib to get to her owl on one side, and her sear horse on the other. I cried the day that she rolled onto her belly as I had visions of her walking someday which I'm sure will come way to soon. 

1-3 Months

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wellness Week Gone Wrong

I started a post two weeks ago about wellness week, and before the week came to an end, my husband came home from work with the flu. The weekend usually gives me a little bit of time to get caught up on things since he is off work for two days, but that weekend was a mess. I really developed an even greater appreciation of my husbands helping hands when he was out of commission and couch bound for the weekend.

By the time this past Monday came along, he was fully recovered. I was terrified that the baby was going to get it, but not me because "I don't get the flu". Thursday morning came and we were all up at 5am like usually and everything was normal. Right after Patrick left for work I started to feel nauseous. First thought "OMG I'm PREGNANT!" Next thought... "My stomach is just empty", so I had a cracker and BAM.. VIOLENT sickness erupted. I will spare you the details but lets just say I thought that I was going to die from throwing up so much. I had my finger on the trigger to dial 911. 

Patrick had just arrived in the city when I called and tried my best to get words out explaining that I needed him home ASAP! When he arrived home, I was on the bathroom floor naked and possibly hallucinating and repeating that my life was coming to an end, and the baby was crying. Patrick had his hands full that day. He was certain that in just a few hours I would be in tip top shape since I had just had a full exorcism, and that his flu was 24hrs and he was just nauseous, hot & cold and achy. After trying to get me to get out of bed to take a walk after 2 hrs of resting, he learned his lesson when he found himself holding my hair back while I violently became ill AGAIN! Then I spent 3 full days in bed.

Here is the lesson that I learned this weekend. When my husband comes home with an illness... take the baby and go to a hotel. 

Now lets all pray that the baby does not get this. I didn't touch her for 3 days and it broke my heart to be so disconnected from her. Thankfully today she is back in my arms where she belongs.