Exciting things are happening around here. I have entered into my 7th month, and now that it is starting to feel like fall outside, I am realizing that our baby will be arriving soon. I think that she is loving this fall weather as much as I am. She has been super active doing flip flops and bouncing off of my bladder. Patrick was finally able to feel her movement and she put on a show for him. She is moving around so much that my entire belly moves with her. I have been surprised at how intense some of her movements are now that she is growing fast. I can't imagine what this is going to feel like over the next couple of months. It really catches me off guard sometime.
Patrick has started construction in the baby's nursery and I am so excited over the progress so far. He took the carpet out, which was only put in 5 years ago when the house was built, but we don't care for carpet. It took many talks to convince him that we did not need carpet in her room and that in my opinion hardwood floors would be better. I think that he agreed all along, but was just not looking forward to all of the work. Last week when we removed all of the furniture and carpet from the baby's room, Ellie-Mae was devastated. She loves to lounge in the guest bed during the day, and stand on the Orchid table and look out the window. Now as Patrick has been installing the hardwood floors she stands in the room and gives him her sad face. I don't know what she thinks is going on in there, but I know that she is going to be very happy with the finished product, especially the bay window seat.

The construction has been very loud, but I know that it is going to be beautiful. I really can't complain since I managed to take a nap throughout Patricks labor intensive work. He is sore from head to toe, but I know in the end he is going to be so proud to see what he build his baby girl.
Yesterday I discovered the new Pumpkin Cream Frappuccino from Starbucks and I've got to tell you it is out of this world. This is a coffee free version, but they have a coffee version for you coffee lovers. I'm still waiting for Jamba Juice to bring back their pumpkin smoothie that I fell in love with last year. They tell me that it comes back out this coming week. I love to eat pumpkin, I love to smell pumpkin and I love the look of pumpkins. No this is not a pregnancy thing, it's a fall in the midwest kinda thing.

We started our day today with a trip to the farmers market. Well I actually started my day with some french toast topped with bananas. I love the Frankfort farmers market. It is such a cute town, and the people are so nice and friendly. We always bring Ellie with us, and she gets so much attention. There are always lots of other dogs, and today Ellie was behaving a little badly. Lucky for her I still bought her some of her favorite treats from the dog treat man. He makes human grade, homemade dog treats that Ellie is crazy about. We always get her the pumpkin, she loves pumpkin too and it is so good for dogs. Today she got a bag of banana treats also. She loves fresh bananas so I have a feeling that these are going to be a big hit. I am a sucker for homemade jams and today they had pumpkin butter. I'm a big fan of Trader Joe's pumpkin butter and I'm interested to see how the two compare.

Every once and a while we like to have what we call sandwich Sundays. Today after the farmers market, it seemed like a good day for sandwich Sunday and the bears game. We picked up all of our favorite sandwich must haves, and headed home for sandwiches and the bears. As I as washing the lettuce, the 9/11 tribute at the opening of the game started. I have been a bit on a 9/11 overload this week with all of the coverage, but I've got to say this one really got me. I was standing over the sink hysterical while washing lettuce. Patrick came in from a walk with Ellie and he was very concerned. Then I pointed to the TV and he got it. It was moving and very beautiful. I love football season, and today was a great game. I have to admit, I fell asleep around half time, but I was really happy when I woke up in the 4th quarter.
Patrick is back to work in the baby's room, and I took some time to read my breastfeeding book "So That's What There For" which is terrifying and entertaining all at the same time.
I have 10 more work days and then I am done. I have to say that I am pretty excited about this. My baby bump is in full force and I'm ready to take a break. Other than the growth of my bump, I would have to say that this past 4 weeks has been my best yet. I still deal with everyday symptoms, but things that I have excepted like heartburn that will just never go away. My doc had me up my minerals and I'm convinced that it has helped with the leg cramps. Don't get me wrong, I still ache all over, but thanks to calcium, magnesium, potassium, my chiropractor and massage therapist I'm not feeling so bad. Trimester 3 is right around the corner so I'm going to keep on moving around as much as I can now before it becomes impossible.