
Thursday, September 29, 2011

3rd Trimester

Oh my ... trimester 3!!!! I'm so excited! I feel like I am in the home stretch. Trimester 3 has not greeted me very nicely, but either did trimester 1 or 2. I'm so very sleepy. I felt this way in the first trimester. The kind of tired that you never thought was possible. I have been sleeping in and taking naps daily. I feel like a bear in hibernation. I want so much to have tons of energy and be able to get everything in order for the baby's arrival. The baby's room is still under construction, so the things that I can do like decorate and organize are currently on hold. I'm stressed out about that because I just want to be as prepared as possible, but I'm trying my best to be patient with my hard working husband. The old floor has been removed and the new hardwood floors have been put in. Construction on the bay window seat has begun and is almost complete. There have been many, many trips to home depot and Lowe's. We have picked out a paint color and purchased the paint and painting supplies. I think it is very sweet to see Patrick building his baby girl a beautiful nursery. He is not enjoying all of the extra work very much, but I know when it is complete he will be so proud of the special room he built his baby girl.

I'm working on my wife and motherly skills. I am lucky to have a husband who grocery shops and cooks, but I'm sure that he would also enjoy having his wife do those things for him. Lately I have been meal planning, grocery shopping, preparing dinner and even doing some baking. Yesterday I actually looked up recipes and went grocery shopping with a list. While Patrick worked on the baby's room, I made Cesar salad, spinach and ricotta ravioli and banana bread. Everything turned out really good and I was so excited and exhausted. I love that my house still smells like fresh baking banana bread.

After dinner we watched Lincoln Lawyer which is a fantastic movie.

Today is officially my last day of work. A couple of weeks ago my Dr. told me that it was time to call it quits, but my plan was to make it to October 1st and I had some clients pre-booked for their final massages before I went on leave. I did follow Dr.'s orders and close up any of my available time that was still open. I have been taking it pretty easy since my body is not allowing me much energy to do too much. 

As my due date gets a bit closer, I am getting slightly nervous that I am going to go into labor and I am going to be home alone. I really don't want to drive myself to the hospital while in labor in the middle of a snow storm. Hopefully that will not be the case and this little girl will give us some notice. She's a little trickster though so I'm sure it will be an eventful day.

Playing with her big foot!

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