Today, Delilah finally had her 12m well visit. Why so late you ask? Her 12m well visit and this 12m post are happening 1 day before she turns 13 months because we have spent the entire month of January being sick, sick and sick some more. We are so happy for this new month and to be feeling good again.
While all three of us were sick, we introduced Delilah to Winnie the Pooh the movie. She is now absolutely obsessed with Winnie the Pooh. She sings, claps and bounces up and down the minute the movie comes on. She will do anything you need her to do if you offer her Winnie the Pooh. We do not plan on using bribery and movie entertainment as a form of babysitting, but when mom, dad and baby are so terribly sick, Winnie the Pooh saves the day.

She is off the bottle, but still takes a sippy cup for bedtime. We have been putting up a big fight with her to get her down for bed without it and she always wins the battle.
She is still obsession with my hair. She twirls it to soothe herself but it is not sweet anymore. Well maybe it is a little sweet. Along with the twirling she pulls and pulls very hard. I have sacrificed a lot of hair for her to be soothed but it needs to come to an end and this battle I will win or else I will be bald very, very soon.
Our pediatrician pointed it out during our sick visit a few weeks ago. I was holding her after he checked her out and she was sucking her thumb and twirling my hair with her other hand. It didn't even phase me at the time since it happens so much. He asked "is this her thing?" He told me that it needs to stop and that he has a women who has a 3 year old that still needs her hair to sleep. He told me that I will not be that women. Today at her well visit, after her shots, Delilah showed him how much progress she has made on the hair situation, none.
Delilah has made big, big progress on her growth. He says that she is going through a big growth spurt. He was very excited as he went over her growth chart with us. In her first six months her weight was always around the 7 percentile. Today at 21 lbs and 14.6 oz she has made a huge jump up to the 50 percentile. Her height has consistently stayed at 50%. Her head gets remeasured by the Dr every visit, why, because it is big. Not off the charts big, but 75% big. Looking at her I don't think that she has a big head, but I do buy her hats that are bigger than her clothes size.
I asked if it is normal and he said it is perfect and head size is hereditary and then he said "so who has the big head?" Patrick and I both pointed fingers at each other so our pediatrician broke out the measuring tape and measured both of our heads. Hilarious and so fantastic that he is so much fun. Guess whose head is off the charts big... Patrick's! Patrick said she can blame him for her big head and blame me for her big feet, says the man who wears a size 13.
She is still definitely allergic or very intolerant to dairy. We were again advised to take her to the allergist and now that she is 1 year and still having issues, we will make the appointment.
He advised us to wait on trying out peanut butter until we know for sure what her allergies/sensitivities are. She is a really good eater and doesn't turn anything down. She loves her fruits and vegetables. She now eats what we eat with the exception of a few things. She is very entertaining to eat with and everything is yum, yum, yummy with every bite.
She runs wild through the house with her walkers and she thinks it is hilarious. She has a wagon for her mega blocks that she climbs in and waits for daddy to take her for a ride. She is a fearless thrill seeker. She has found her confidence in hers stride and is now walking on her own. She still likes to reach for my hand and walk with me all around the house and it is adorable.
She takes big girl baths on her own with our supervision and she loves it. She has also moved up to her big girl carseat another milestone that she is loving.
Everyday is a thrill and a blessing, even when it is a month long of sick days.
Beautiful story!