
Friday, May 31, 2013

Blog every day in May: Last Day!

Looking Fabulous at Uncle Richard's Memorial Day BBQ

It is the last day in May! Can you believe it? Did I meet the challenge and blog every day, no, more like every week, but I enjoyed it! I thought about it every day but things were pretty busy around here. I am planning on blogging more often in June. Let's see if I can meet my own challenge. 

We ended the month with fabulous, family filled fun. The captain, my dad, is back on land and back in town for the summer. My mom came in from down south and my brother, his girlfriend and my beautiful niece came to visit us from California. Yep, we all live all over the place. My husbands brother was also in from Washington State. 

Having the two little girls together was amazing! This was their third time together and really the first time that they were both old enough to play and interact together. They were born the same year, both the year of the dragon just like both of their daddies. Delilah is now 16m and Easton is 9m. It is so much fun to have two little girls in the family. I hope that we can all get together as much as possible and that they will be the best of friends. I'm looking forward to our yearly Thanksgiving time trip. This year we will all meet up in Nashville, TN. 

Saying her goodbye just before Easton had to leave for the airport

I wish that I had some group shots and that I jumped in front of the camera especially for a picture with both girls. I will make sure to do that when we are all together again in November. I took 718 pictures over 4 days. I'm loving my new camera that I was graciously gifted for Mother's day. I'm still trying to educate myself in the art of picture taking and learn everything I can about this amazing camera. My dad added to the excitement of my new camera by giving me an external flash and a prime lens upon his arrival. Get ready for some serious photo overload in the near future.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Blog every day in May Challenge: Get real... Share something that you are struggling with right now.

Super pregnant with Delilah May
When we were trying to get pregnant the first time around, everyone knew about it. Everyone knew that I have wanted children forever and that we would start trying right away. I was very open about it and I honestly did not think that it would take as long as it did. As the months went on and on and I took negative after negative after negative test, it really got to me.  Then I ended up on fertility meds and everything really got to me. I got off the meds after 3 cycles and we went on a vacation to Mexico. In Mexico, my dad scheduled me for two fertility massages and two weeks after returning home, we found out that I was pregnant.

Well, here we are again. I haven't talk that much about it but it is not a secret either. We are trying for baby #2! I had hoped that this time around it would not be as much of a struggle but I also prepared myself the best I could for it to take a while. We are only a few months in and I have noticed that once again with each passing month it is emotionally taking a toll on me. Just a few days ago I broke down for the first time trying for this baby. I said to Pat "I just don't understand why I can not get pregnant." He quickly realized that my tears were going into a panic and rather than making some sort of joke, he grabbed Delilah and brought her to me. She gave me a kiss and made me smile and laugh instantly. Pat reminded me that I can get pregnant and I will. 

I share this time in my life for a few reasons. If I don't talk about it throughout the process, I bottle in my emotions and I eventually explode. Even while sharing this journey, I may emotionally erupt a few more times. It's bound to happen especially if I end up back on fertility meds. Another reason is that there are people in my life who I care about very much who are struggling and people who I know who have struggled in the past with fertility. I'm sure that there are also many people who are struggling with fertility who don't talk about it. I want anyone who is having a difficult time with fertility or anything to know that they are not alone. We were blessed with Delilah and I am so grateful every day to have her in my life. I hope that we will be blessed with another child and that anyone else who is struggling will be blessed with a child also. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Blog every day in May - Topic: Ten things that make me really happy

One - My daughter

She has the best smiles. From the sweet, soft smile to the overly joyed gigantic cheesy smile, she smiles all day long and it's pure joy. If you are lucky enough to get one of her gigantic, crushing, hang from your neck hugs, you would feel the love that pours out of her. She blows kisses that melt you and randomly showers you with kisses throughout the day. I'm a sucker for the leg kiss. She grabs me by the leg, gives my leg a big squeeze and then a sweet kiss. Gets me every time. Every single day she showers me with extreme happiness. My heart explodes with love for her.

Two - Love

This guy pushes all of my buttons but I wouldn't love him if he didn't. Love & Happiness, they go hand in hand.

Three - Friends & Family

We are so blessed with wonderful friends and family who mean the world to us. 

Four - Photographs

I take and share too many but, it makes me happy.

Five - Holidays

Mother's day just rocked my world. My husband is real good at going all out on this day. He definitely did not disappoint this year. Other than the extravagant gifts... Holidays mostly make me happy because my husband gets a day off and we can enjoy a nice, relaxing, family day together. I often refer to things that feel really good as "it feels like Christmas"! 

Six- Vacations

What is even better than a day off, how about a week or an extended weekend. We take a few vacations a year and each trip makes me very,very happy. Someday we hope to bring Delilah to this exact spot on the Big Island, Hawaii. 

Seven - Play dates

We adore our friends children and play dates keep mama from going crazy! So happy for the warmer weather and looking forward to so many more fantastic play dates.

Eight - Nature

I can find happiness in a rainy day. Whatever the season, I love nature.

Nine - Good finds

I just found two gorgeous 1920's beds on craigslist. They thrill me!

Ten- My Job

Being a massage therapist is a blessing. My clients are so loving and kind. They share their world with me and always give me such praise. Working on them is a true gift. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Blog every day in May: a piece of advice

They say that going through some negative things in life only make you stronger. A situation that I dealt with as a child, teenager and young adult has certainly shaped the person who I am today and showed me a side of people that I do not ever want to include myself in.

I was stereotyped and judged by the way that I dressed by a group of moms. I was a child and they were grown women spending their days gossiping about me and judging me by my clothing. I was labeled an anorexic, drug addict and drug dealer. Funny thing, I was never the girl who was on drugs. They should have worried about their own kids instead of not allowing their children to hang out with me. I was the mothering type. I took care of everyone. I was a good influence. 

My piece of advice: do not stereotype or judge

I grew up in a very free spirited family. My dad traveled the world with his band in the early 70's, returned to Chicago and was a big shot nightclub DJ in the disco era before opening up his very own club Park West in Lincoln Park in 1977. My mom modeled and hosted and our parents lived a very fun, exciting adventurous life. My brother and I were disco babies. Along with his music career, my dad is a sailor and a yacht captain. I was a mix of Punky Brewster and Pippy longstocking. 

My dad took me to a lot of really interesting places. After a day out sailing, my dad would take me across Lakeshore Drive to the Grateful Dead parking lot when the Dead where in town. I loved the happiness, the free spirits, the love, the music and all of the colors. I had hair all the way down my back, wraps in my hair, hemp necklaces, tie dyed everything and long gypsy skirts. I wore patchouli and other oils, pierced my eyebrow and was obsessed with butterflies. Didn't mean that I was on drugs. If any of these women sat down to have a conversation with me for 5 minutes they would have known that I was not what they made me out to be. 

Now, I am a mother. I have a beautiful, free spirited baby girl who is already very eclectic and has a style all her own. I will never judge her or her friends based on the clothes that they wear among other things. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Blog every day in May: The thing you are most afraid of

As expected, I am running behind and playing catch up on this blog every day in May challenge. Yesterday's topic was the thing you are most afraid of. Throughout my lifetime, I have dealt with many fears. Some would come and go and come back again. I believe that my past fears were mostly products of my past. Fears that manifested from life events or current situations that I was in. Since becoming a mother, many parts of me have changed or evolved. I do not hold onto as much hurt as I once did. I do not let things that are out of my control, control my thoughts and emotions. With that said, becoming a mother brings on a whole new list of fears. These fears are different though. They are much more logical.

The thing that fears me the most, is the fear that something will happen to me and I will not be around to watch my daughter grow and influence her life. Along with that fear comes the fear that something would happen to my child. I do not know how I could go on without her and I have great admiration for the parents who are strong enough to go on. I don't let these fears control my life, but they do control some of the daily decisions that I make. I am a little more cautious and a little more careful. I do not like to take unnecessary risks like driving past midnight when there is a greater chance of drunk drivers on the road. I'm most likely never going to jump out of a plane or intentionally swim with the sharks. I was probably never going to do that anyways.

I think that some fears can really be debilitating and hold you back in life. I also think that some fears are healthy and part of human nature.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Blog every day in May Challenge catch up: What is your favorite quote?

I knew that taking on the challenge of blogging everyday in May would be nearly impossible for me but I knew it would still be a fun challenge. We had a super fun weekend filled with family, friends and celebration. I didn't get a chance to blog over the weekend, but I'm here now to play catch up. I loved Saturday's topic: What is your favorite quote? 

I love coming across a quote that really hits home, touches your heart or whacks you in the face. Sometimes just a few simple words can really change your day, change your outlook or give you a new perspective or appreciation. I don't always follow the rules so I am not going to give you just one quote and call it my favorite. Here are a handful that I think are worth sharing. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do. 

If you are on Pinterest you know that you can find thousands of these everyday. http://pinterest.com/Nikkimaycapuano/

Friday, May 3, 2013

Blog everyday in May Day 3 - Topic - things that make you uncomfortable.

Things that make me uncomfortable

All eyes on me. 

When I can see or feel all eyes on me, I have what I think is a very strange reaction.
 Uncontrollable laughter takes over me. 

My husband and I met at a wedding. He tried to pull me out onto the dance floor a few times and I was so uncomfortable. I told him that I needed a drink first and he ran right over to get me one. With drink in hand, he successfully pulled me out onto the dance floor. I was paralyzed with laughter. I stood there in the middle of the floor bent over laughing hysterically all night while he danced all around me. He is an amazing dancer and I did not know what to do with myself. He thought my giggles were adorable. 

Then on our wedding day as we said our vows and the tears rolled down Patrick's face, I laughed so uncontrollably that I could barely breath or get the words out. Standing up there with me, my girlfriend Melissa said "oh no, she's having a panic attack" it was hilarious and so true. She knows me so well.

And the list goes on:

Large crowds

Small/tight spaces

Extreme heat


Angry/aggressive people

Racial rants/comments

Raw meat

Dirty hands

My after baby boobs

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blog everyday in May: Day 2 -Tell us something that you are good at or know a lot about - Hawaiian Temple Bodywork

My friend Jessica is taking the blog everyday in May challenge. Each day there is a specific topic to blog about. Today is day 2 of 31 straight days of blogging. I missed day one and I will probably miss a few more but I thought that it would be fun to jump in.

Today's topic: tell us something that you are good at or know a lot about.

Hawaiian Temple Bodywork Sacred Lomi Lomi Massage

I have been a massage therapist for 13 years. After graduating from Wellness & Massage in 2000, I went on to train with Hawaiian temple bodywork. My training started with an intense 4 day workshop in Nashville TN. This was not just another ceu course where you learn a new modality to incorporate into your practice. Tom and Donna the amazing founders of Sacred Lomi teach sacred lomi with the belief that we are each far more than our physical bodies and that our lives and our influence extend far beyond our knowing. They have designed the course of this healing art to empower us therapists to heal ourselves first and then offer healing to others. After my first 4 day workshop I was renewed, refreshed and empowered. The self work that we did each day was the best therapy that I have ever had. I was not expecting it and many of the techniques made me very uncomfortable. At that time in my life, I had a ton of emotional baggage that I needed to let go of. My emotional release throughout the training came out in extreme laughter. I had a serious case of the giggles that went on for 4 days. After the 4 days ended, I wanted more. I wanted so much more.

I left a piece of my heart in Nashville and continued to travel to Nashville for some time before making a move to Nashville that kept me there for 9 months. Life took me on a bit of a roller coaster ride and after a call that a very dear friends father had passed I packed up the car and drove straight back to Chicago to be with them. A few months after my return to Chicago, I jumped on a plane and flew to Maui Hawaii to be with my lomi family. I stayed in the rain forest at a beautiful retreat center. It was heaven. Every morning started with sunrise yoga. The afternoon were filled with bodywork and the evening with self work.  We had an incredible chef who provided us with 3 delicious vegetarian meals each day. I could have stayed forever, and I almost did. 

There are not a lot of lomi lomi body workers in Illinois. When clients see Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage on my menu it always strikes interest. When I read the topic for today's post, I knew right away that Lomi Lomi was what I wanted to share with you. So, what is it?

In short, Sacred lomi lomi is an ancient form of healing brought to the Hawaiian islands by its earliest Polynesian settlers. Practiced in ancient Hawaiian temples by Hawaiian shaman and kahuna. Lomi lomi is a way of life. It is the practice of living Aloha. The flowing forearm technique used in a lomi session along with prayer, breath work, presence, hula and the aloha spirit is designed to relax the mind so that the body can surrender, let go and receive. It is difficult to give a full, true lomi session in the spa setting that I am in but I definitely incorporate my lomi training into every massage I give. My lomi training not only formed the therapist that I am today but it also shaped the person that I have become.